Perhaps The Heart of a Poet Lies Here…
Yesterday, I signed up to two classes: Vivienne McMaster’s Montage and Liz Lamoreux’s Poem It Out. Viv’s class is going to teach me how to make soulful videos, while Liz’s will help me explore poetry on a personal level. The two seem like such beautiful compliments to one another. I am really so excited!
There’s still time to sign up for them if you fancy joining in too. And in the meantime, I wanted to share this poem that I wrote a few years ago…
My Poetry Education
My poetry education begins
with paper and pen and a promise
that I’ll allow myself time.
Time enough to grow and get it wrong.
Time enough to fumble and flail
and float… back flat
against the water
breaking surface tension.
I crack open the corsetted words
wrapped up tight;
taut as taught.
My words drift
lit offerings on the Ganges:
orange points defying the dark.
Joanna Paterson
Even if you never write a poem, the heart of a poet lives here 🙂
It does live here, beating beautifully to the rhythm of you.