Goddess Guidance

Danu’s Goddess Guidance 23/4/13

For one week only, I want to share with you the daily goddess readings that I share in my Goddess Guidance Group.

To give you a wee bit of background, every reading I do is accompanied with an image like the one you see above. Usually, I just share the image here and in various other places. But the reading itself, which includes a short description of that day’s goddess and the energy she brings, as well as my own experience during my morning goddess meditation and the message the goddess gave me, only appears in my Goddess Guidance group and/or my Practical Magic Business Circle.

I also include a few prompts and occasionally an exercise to try out, a blog post to read, a Pinterest board to check out etc. In the group, members take these prompts as opportunities to explore what’s going on with them at that moment in their life and to receive support, inspiration, comfort, love, communion. As one of my members said, “the love and support of fellow members is unbelievable! I am continually amazed by the love and light shining forth from women all of the world, all of whom I have never met in person. Despite the distance we are so strongly connected and it makes me feel like I am truly never alone.”  

If this is calling to you, and you would like to receive these daily readings, a monthly personal goddess reading, weekly goddess check-ins as well as access to a truly beautiful, loving community, I would love to welcome you into the circle. You can subscribe here: Goddess Guidance Group Subscription.

(Subscription is £15 per month, which is just 50p per day. I’m trying hard to think of an equivalent, but I’m really struggling! Even my kids’ bus fare is 70p! Ooh, and in $US, this works out to $23 approx, or 77 cents a day)

Tuesday’s goddess is… Danu!!

The Irish river goddess of knowledge who is the mother of the Tuatha De Danann is stepping forward for us today. For me she holds the energy of the teacher – she reminds us that we learn much when we teach others. When I taught at university I experienced this first-hand, understanding my subject so much better through the act of teaching it to others. This is the gift of Danu – the flow of knowledge resulting in shared wealth and prosperity.

When I opened the door to today, I found myself in an artist’s studio. There are large windows where a pure quality of white light streams in, glancing off the body of the model that is reclining as still as a statue. I hold a paintbrush in my hand, and I approach a canvas that already holds the image of the woman in front of me. Another woman steps up behind me and begins to advise me on how to proceed with my painting, and as she speaks to me I notice that the woman in the painting is me. I look up and I see the model is me. And I look behind me to my teacher, and I see that she is me also. Upon this realisation, I look back at the model, and this time I see that she is wearing a delicate celtic-design silver crown. I ask Danu if she has a message for us, and she says….

“Self-knowledge leads to sovereignty.”

The willingness to enter into self-reflection, to explore the many facets of you, is often the first step in moving towards truly owning your own identity, your own power, your own desires. You are the subject, the student, the teacher as well as the expression of self in a state of constant creation.

Danu is telling you to stop seeking for the teachers that you think are going to inform you of yourself and your place in this world. To stop searching for the gurus to explain your existence. To release attachment to the belief that anyone other than you is the authority, the expert, the master of your own life.

Yes, there will be those who hold keys for you. They will give you information. They will be your cheerleaders. They will open your eyes to new possibilities. They will facilitate paradigm shifts in your thinking. But only you can unlock the door and take the steps beyond.

To use another metaphor, those you see as teachers can give you a map and a compass, but how you choose to traverse the terrain is all up to you. And the learnings that you will receive “on the ground”, so to speak, are some of the true treasures of this life – and they are both unique to you and ubiquitous.

What have you recently learned about yourself? When did you last teach somebody something, and what did you learn about yourself in the process? What does Danu want you to know?

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