Goddess Guidance

Nut’s Goddess Guidance 24/4/13

For one week only, I want to share with you the daily goddess readings that I share in my Goddess Guidance Group.

To give you a wee bit of background, every reading I do is accompanied with an image like the one you see above. Usually, I just share the image here and in various other places. But the reading itself, which includes a short description of that day’s goddess and the energy she brings, as well as my own experience during my morning goddess meditation and the message the goddess gave me, only appears in my Goddess Guidance group and/or my Practical Magic Business Circle.

I also include a few prompts and occasionally an exercise to try out, a blog post to read, a Pinterest board to check out etc. In the group, members take these prompts as opportunities to explore what’s going on with them at that moment in their life and to receive support, inspiration, comfort, love, communion. As one of my members said, “the love and support of fellow members is unbelievable! I am continually amazed by the love and light shining forth from women all of the world, all of whom I have never met in person. Despite the distance we are so strongly connected and it makes me feel like I am truly never alone.”  

If this is calling to you, and you would like to receive these daily readings, a monthly personal goddess reading, weekly goddess check-ins as well as access to a truly beautiful, loving community, I would love to welcome you into the circle. You can subscribe here: Goddess Guidance Group Subscription.

(Subscription is £15 per month, which is just 50p per day. I’m trying hard to think of an equivalent, but I’m really struggling! Even my kids’ bus fare is 70p! Ooh, and in $US, this works out to $23 approx, or 77 cents a day)

Wednesday’s goddess is… Nut!!

The Egyptian goddess of night who arches over her lover, the Earth, in a loving and protective embrace, and who, every morning, gives birth to the sun, her blood colouring the heavens in the shades of sunrise. She is the goddess of mystery and protection, and she reminds us that the dark holds a nurturing quality. After all, it is present with us at conception…

When I opened the door to today, I stepped out into deep nothingness. The darkness was so profound that I could feel it as a physical thing. I strained my eyes to try and catch a glimpse of something, anything, but the dark was complete. No light was present. And so, I turned to my other senses, trying to pick up anything I could about this place. What can I feel, hear, smell, taste… but I receive very little if anything through my senses. Other than the ground beneath me feels soft, and that I am not uncomfortable, I receive no sensory information. I ask Nut if she has a message for us, and she says…

“Stop, sit, rest…. and clarity will come.”

I remain with Nut for a time and follow her advice. I rest. I’m not waiting, because there is nothing to wait for. But after a time, I notice the night begins to lighten, and the first colours of dawn begin to streak the sky.

One of my favourite sayings is “clarity comes in the doing”, and so I’m more than a little frustrated by the goddess today. But, as always, I can see that she makes perfect sense.

I have a secondary image coming through of a mason jar filled with muddy water. I watch as it sits on a table in complete stillness, and gradually, the muds settles at the bottom, and the water turns clear.

This is what Nut is inviting us to do today. If you are feeling unclear, you are uncertain as to your next step, you feel like you want to do something, but your not quite sure what that something is, then take some time today to rest. To stop doing, and let the silt sift to the bottom.

What are you struggling to get clear on right now? What would it mean for you to drop into rest? What does Nut want you to know?

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