General News,  Practical Magic

Introducing the Goddesses of the Next PMBC


As nature begins to wake up to the deliciousness of Spring, I’ve been getting ready to host the next round of the Practical Magic Business Circle which opens its doors next Tuesday. As part of that preparation, I’ve been connecting in with the goddesses who are stepping forward to guide us there, and so, I thought that now would be the perfect opportunity to introduce them all to you!

Unlike in previous circles where we focused on 6 goddesses, this time round, I’m going to be inviting you to explore the guidance of 20! Every Tuesday and Thursday, I’ll be sharing posts in the PMBC secret FB group that connect you to the beauty, the wisdom, the inspiration, the practical support of each one of our goddess guides. These are goddesses which have stepped forward to support, inspire, challenge and shift the circle sisters’ relationships to their businesses by ushering in deeper understanding and true alignment with desire and growth.

But first, I want to reassure you that it doesn’t matter what stage you’re at with your business, the Practical Magic Business Circle is for you.

You may be considering the possibility of beginning a business, in which case, the PMBC will be a powerful support for you as you begin to explore the possibilities.
Or you may be feeling a bit disenchanted with your business, and you are looking to the PMBC as a safely held space for you to fall back in love with your work, your offerings, your clients.

Maybe you have an idea for an offering that you’d like to create and you want some accountability as you lean into its potential forms and ultimate delivery – if so, I would invite you to see the PMBC as an incubatory environment for the gestational period, moving towards a successful birth of your new offering in the world.

You could also just be feeling the return of springtime energy, and you want to bring that vitality into focus as you tend to all that needs your attention in your business – new website, new copy, restructuring of offerings, revamping your newsletter etc.

At the beginning of each circle, there’s an invitation to craft an intention for you and your business as you journey through the PMBC experience. The whole purpose of this powerful, transformational space is to give you an opportunity to deepen into your desires and help you bring your intention into lived experience.

And we do that guided by goddesses….

1. First up, we’re meeting Mama Quilla – Goddess of Slow Steady Change. She’s coming with a message of incremental transformation stimulated by our devotion to that which we desire to create, grow, develop, shift, evolve… She’s the goddess of calendric time, and so I can’t help but feel that her appearance at the very beginning of our 10 week journey together is most fortuitous. Also, one of the components of our PMBC sacred business practice is all about the power of making small changes which then add up to significant shifts aligned with intention. So, Mama Quilla feels just perfect as we begin to explore that together!

2. Secondly, we have Aditi – Goddess of Sweet Spaciousness. What I love most about Aditi is that she speaks to us of creative potential. She is the empty yet fertile womb – the blank canvas that positively vibrates with possibility. She, along with Mama Quilla, feels like such a perfect goddess for our first week – a time when we are getting clear about what it is that we wish to create, what it is that we desire to develop, what is longing to be birthed through us….

3. The third goddess, and the one who initiates our 2nd week is Nu Kua – Goddess of Divine Order. Nu Kua is the goddess of dragons (love that!), and she is the goddess who repaired the rip in the heavens and reset the four compass points. I can think of no better goddess to orientate us within the realm of our own business, as she helps us to get super clear on how to navigate a clear path through. It is she who give us a strong and stable place to stand and be present as we deliver our gifts.

4. Our fourth goddess is Erda – Goddess of Roots. She’s a Norse goddess whose ever-flowing underground spring is said to nourish the tree of life. When we are looking at what nutrients are required for us to be able to do business effectively and deliciously, then this is the goddess for us. Coming in the same week as Nu Kua, I see this week as an opportunity to create both clarity and sustainability – a beautiful way to follow up our first week of initiating change and possibility!

5. The fifth goddess who is stepping forward as our guide in Uzume – Goddess of Women’s Laughter. Gosh, I love that she’s one of our guides for this next circle! Uzume is the goddess who was instrumental in persuading the sun goddess Amaterasu to shine her light again after a period of inward turning. She has so much to teach us about visibility, attracting attention, and yes, laughter, joy, playfulness, fun!

6. Following Uzume, we have Sophia – Goddess of Heart Wisdom. Sophia’s medicine is less raucous but every bit just as potent. She is the goddess who invites us to connect in with our wisdom, what it is that we know in our heart of hearts. I find it fascinating that she is stepping forward in the same week as Uzume, and see her as anchoring us in what we know to be true while we lean further into visibility. She’s here to ensure that we continue to align ourselves with truth and stay in integrity.

7. Our seventh goddess who initiates our fourth week is Hsi Wang Mu – Goddess of Grace – Now & Always. I’m fascinated that she has stepped forward for us, as I wouldn’t have necessarily thought of her in terms of what guidance she can give us in terms of business growth and development. However, the more I thought about it and the more she whispered to me, it became crystal clear that she is the one to help us invest in the longevity of our businesses. She’s responsible for the orchard of peaches that give the gods and goddesses their immortality. And as such, she is going to be supporting us to explore sustainability – in this way, she is a beautiful complement to Erda, who we connect in with a couple of weeks earlier.

8. And then we have our eighth goddess who is Freya – Goddess of the Shameless Transaction. If you’re looking for a goddess guide to support you to manage power dynamics, energetic exchanges, and pricing, then Freya is your goddess! I see Freya as such an important goddess for all business women, and so seeing her step forward for us just completely delights me. A powerful guide indeed.

9. Starting us off in week 5 is our ninth goddess Maman Brigitte – Goddess of the Returning. She’s a fascinating goddess who signals that something from our past is returning. Now this is neither good nor bad – it’s neutral. How we choose to receive it determines the ways in which it can strengthen and support us. In business terms, Maman Brigitte invites us to look back at what’s worked for us in the past, and what hasn’t, and in this way encourages to move forward into the future from strong foundations rooted in self-awareness and good business practice.

10. Following on from Maman Brigitte, we’ll be connecting in with Psyche – Goddess of Love Lessons. Separated from her husband Eros by his mother Aphrodite, who then set her 4 seemingly impossible tasks before the lovers could be reunited, Psyche’s story is complex and, to be honest, we could probably do a whole PMBC just focusing on her guidance! However, her presence in the same week as Maman Brigitte directs me to her fourth and final task – learning when to say no so that we can be in greater integrity with our yes. We’ll be exploring her teachings as we get clearer on our business no’s, so that we can more fully commit to our yes.

11. In our 6th week, we’ll meet Spider Woman – Goddess of the Web – a goddess who calls us into awareness of all the ways in which we are connected to one another. Aspects of networking, communication, and the various ways in which our actions impact on the global matrix will be part of our enquiries here. And truly, in this age when we are more directly connected to one another than at any other time in history, Spider Woman’s guidance is much needed as we birth and build our businesses.

12. And then it’s Demeter – Goddess of Nurturing Sustainability. Demeter along with her daughter Persephone were the goddesses at the heart of the Eleusian Mysteries, which are thought to have delivered essential teachings in agriculture. This advancement in civilisation created constancy and sustainability within a cyclic system, and brought ease to those who were suffering from the lack of sustenance through the winter period. In terms of our business, Demeter guides us to tend to the cycles of productivity and creativity so that we might bring greater awareness to the cycles that structure and inform the development and delivery of our offerings.

13. Our 13th goddess is Kali Ma – Goddess of Cutting the Crap (Compassionately). She’s a goddess that you’ve probably heard of before, not least because she holds such a frightening aspect. However, to those who worship her, she is seen as holding deeply compassionate mother energy. I tend to think of her as clearing away that which isn’t serving me so that I might grow into my fullest and truest expression of self. As a business guide, this goddess will be helping us to get super clear about what we don’t want, what isn’t serving us, and how to be in direct relationship – with our business, with our clients, with ourselves.

14. However, our 14th goddess, unlike Kali, is probably one you haven’t heard of. Gyhldeptis – Goddess of Harmonic Agreement – is a goddess of the Haida peoples and she is a wonderful guide for us in business as she reminds us that we’re not in this alone. That we are surrounded by people who want us to succeed and who are willing to help and support us. She helps us to engage with our community to generate significant and sustainable change by showing us how to delegate, how to synthesise, how to find common purpose.

15. The following week opens with, what I think is, one of the most important goddesses for business growth and development – Lakshmi – Goddess of Financial Flow. I tend to, rather irreverently, think of her as “the plumbing goddess”! Because for me she calls my attention to the structures and containers that I have in place to facilitate the flow of energy both in and out of my business. So, when I’m putting together an offering, Lakshmi is one of the primary goddesses that I call on for assistance. So the fact that she’ll be there supporting the sisters of the PMBC as they assess their businesses, the offerings and the ebb and flow of energy, just completely thrills me.

16. Which brings us to our 16th goddess Yemaya – Goddess of Surrendering To The All That Is. Interesting that she is coming directly after Lakshmi, as both Yemaya and Lakshmi are water goddesses. Bet whereas Lakshmi’s energy is that of a river, Yemaya’s is that of the ocean. She gives us the gift of perspective, and of opening up to more than we can currently imagine. She’ll be reminding us that, in business, we need to keep aware of the ways in which we are continuing to open up to more by being in relationship to mystery and the divine. So cool, right?

17. Our 17th goddess is Sulis – Goddess of the Healing Waters. Coming right after the goddesses Lakshmi and Yemaya the week before, who hold the energies of flowing river waters and the oceanic mysteries respectively, this water goddess is here specifically to ask us what it is that we still need to heal in our businesses. What stories are we still telling ourselves about the way we do business which need to be washed away? What wounds require cleansing so that we might move forward from a place of deep knowing and true compassion – for ourselves and for our business?

18. So, needless to say that I simply love the fact that after we have tended here under Sulis’ loving care, Amaterasu – Goddess of Choosing to Shine – is our 18th goddess. The goddess Uzume, who we meet in our 2nd week, is the goddess that coaxes Amaterasu out of her cave so that she might enjoy the experience of giving her light, of giving her gifts. So stepping forward for us in week 9, she is signalling the radiant results of following Uzume’s guidance. And in the same week as Sulis, I see her as the light that shines through our work in the world, after we have immersed ourselves in her healing waters.

And thus it is from this place of bright shining, that we enter into our last week together and come face to face with a truly powerful pair of goddesses who, individually, I would say are not for the faint of heart. But together? Well, let’s just say that leaving the circle knowing that you have these two in your corner, there will be little that can stand in your way as you move forward and continue the work you began 10 weeks ago.

19. Our 19th goddess will be Morgan Le Faye – Goddess of True Sovereignty. I always think of Morgan insisting that I wear my invisible crown, and that I step into my truth with grace, compassion and a deep understanding of the power that is mine to manage. I also see her as a goddess of ambition, so coming in this last week, she’s going to be calling you to set your sights on what you want to achieve next, now that you have the grounding and the strong foundations built and fortified over your time in circle.

20. And our final goddess is Oya – Goddess of Speaking Up. Another goddess of sovereignty, Oya is a goddess who is profoundly supportive of women’s leadership. She dares us to speak our truth and to take action when faced with injustice. The fact that Oya is the goddess to close out this next circle just completely thrills me as her presence acts as a powerful reminder that the work that we do in this circle ripples out and makes an impact on the world at large. She calls attention to the fact that a women’s circle can be a force of positive change, that we can make a difference, and that by taking our own personal learnings out into our communities, we can contribute in transformational and loving ways. Oya is asking that we see our businesses as these conduits for change – and with the guidance of all 19 goddesses previous, how could they possibly not be?

I do so hope that you’ve enjoyed this brief introduction to the goddesses of the next Practical Magic Business Circle. It truly does promise to be a very special journey indeed. If the goddesses are calling you, then I’d invite you to claim your space now…. I look forward to welcoming you there.

I’m ready to claim my space in the circle

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