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Revealing the 13 Qualities of Your My Word Goddess

“The immanent goddess did not create the rose; she *is* the rose. She does not take care of you; she *is* you.”
~ Patricia Monaghan

When you consider the above quotation in conjunction with your My Word goddess for the year, what does it stir in you?

If you hold to the truth that the goddess (as an expression of the sacred feminine) is experiencing life as you, does this truth impact your connection to your goddess?

What I’d like to invite each of you to explore in your journals is the following creative exercise. It should take you around an hour, and it’s in 2 parts, with the first designed to support you to drop into that place within where divine focus is yours and the sacred draws ever closer…

First of all, read over the description of your goddess again, before closing your eyes and bringing her to mind. What do you imagine she looks like? What would she be wearing? Does she have anyone or anything with her? A wand? A wolf? A crystal? A scroll? What are your first impressions of her? Maybe she reminds you of someone… Or maybe she makes you think of something – a poem, a song, a memory.

Allow yourself to freely follow your imagining and your associations, before turning to your journal and writing the name of your goddess at the top of the page and setting a timer for 10 minutes. Freewrite until the 10 minutes are up, allowing your pen to flow across the page without stopping to correct spelling or punctuation. There are no rules on what to write about – just go with the flow and trust. The only rule is to keep the words flowing.

At the end of the 10 minutes, scan what you’ve written and circle any word that stands out to you. Try not to over-think this, and move fast. Alternatively, just circle all the nouns (the naming words) in your writing.

Now, choose one of the words you have circled, write it at the top of a fresh page in your journal, set your timer for another 10 mins, then freewrite – same rules apply. Again, at the end of the 10mins, circle the words that seem significant to you, choosing one, and placing it at the top of the next fresh page. And repeat.

You should now have 3 pieces of freewriting. I call this process “Spiralling” with each 10 minute freewrite taking us deeper and deeper into our truth, allowing us to form a clear connection with ourselves and our knowing. If you are short on time, you can reduce the time for each round of writing from 10mins to 5mins.

The Spiralling process is preparation for the 2nd part of our creative exercise; however, I would also suggest that it can form part of a regular writing practice.

Ok, so next…

Write down a list of 13 statements that you would use to describe your goddess. They can be detailed or concise. They can be abstract or direct. They can be personal or transpersonal. To give you an example, if you had Yemaya as your goddess for the year, your statements might be as follows…

Yemaya is….
1. calm seas and smooth sailing.
2. the white horses galloping atop roiling black waters.
3. hope.
4. the siren song of surrender.
5. the promise of more.
6. shifting tides and hidden currents.
7. life’s ebb and flow.
8. unfathomably deep.
9. the mystery writ large.
10. healing waters.
11. a bountiful mother.
12. hiding treasures that may never be revealed.
13. lapping at the edges of an awakening consciousness.

Once you have your 13 statements, rewrite each statement inserting “I am” at the beginning, thus creating a poem to the goddess, a poem to the self.

I am calm seas and smooth sailing.
I am the white horses galloping atop roiling black waters.
I am hope.
I am the siren song of surrender.
I am the promise of more.
I am shifting tides and hidden currents.
I am life’s ebb and flow.
I am unfathomably deep.
I am the mystery writ large.
I am healing waters.
I am a bountiful mother.
I am hiding treasures that may never be revealed.
I am lapping at the edges of an awakening consciousness.

Read your poem out loud to yourself. How does it feel to speak these statements? How does this poem feel in your mouth, in your heart, in your belly, in the soles of your feet? How does it stir your soul?

These are the 13 qualities of your goddess self that you are being called to meet in the year ahead. And now that you’ve identified them, there are various ways in which you can bring them more fully into awareness. For example, you can create collages that focus on each quality. Or you can choose one to work with as your sankalpa for yoga practice. Or you can use them as a jumping off place into another Spiralling writing practice in your journal.



If you have yet to order your 2020 My Word Goddess Reading, don’t worry – there’s still time! The readings are available to purchase until the 31st January 2020, which is when they come off the market, and the 2021 readings will be made available from December. Follow this link to find all the details and to order yours today.

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