About Amy


Mothering the self is not selfish; 
it is an act of exquisite generosity.

Driven by the need to dive deeper, aim higher, reach the core of ourselves, I am constantly moving toward the mother energy we each carry within. By creating sacred spaces (online, in person, and in the classroom), I feed the spirits of growth, support, and nurturance to bring yourself back to a place of wholeness.

Few words adequately encompass my experience of Amy Palko. What I do know is this: Amy is one the truly genuine souls I have met in this world. Whether it is through Goddess Guidance readings, Soulskin shawls, or just a friendly Skype chat, Amy holds a depth and brilliance that permeates the air between you and shines as a field of lightning bugs. ~ Sara Blackthorne, storyteller and excavator

I wasn’t always this way, connected and clear of my path. I went to University at 17, got married at 19, had three amazing children by 23. I was invested in being the best possible at my life, including the best mother (I hand-sewed party bags for birthdays, even). The more I strove to be the best, the more miserable I, and everyone around me, became. It was time for a change. I went back to University to earn my PhD and become a lecturer, but by the time I finished there was no longer a market for my talents. It seemed I was lost again.

Being lost is the perfect place to begin.

I’ve spent the past two years {and my whole life} intensely searching for my soul, for the identity I am when I’m not identifying myself through roles, relationships, responsibilities. This journey has taught me how to create gentle yet powerful transformation in women who are seeking their true souls. I return to the circle time and again because I am called to provide warmth, love, and nurturing to women as it flows through me to others, and through them into the world.

I am giving you permission to be self-centered.

I am giving you the space to rip apart the ideas, the {mis}conceptions, that hold you in your daily grind and keep you from potential you never dreamed you had. I am opening the circle, welcoming you in, and accepting you — however you arrive, bedraggled or road-worn — into your skin and into your heart. I want you to sit in the place of not-knowing, and together we can walk the road back to your true self. Together, we will heal and grow into truth and beauty.

I want to help you mother yourself into wholeness. 

PS You may want to check out my Goddess Guidance group now, explore my signature offering Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess or check out my blog…