Remembering Gaia
“I sing the songs of life that call slumbering inertia into active being, and I hold a space for all to be nurtured and nourished. I love all my creations, and I do not judge them according to opinions of others. I give unrelenting support to that which I have birthed, and to that which is calling to be birthed through me.” Gaia, the great earth mumma goddess… our next Practical Magic Business Circle goddess. And oh my…. You know, I thought that I had a strong understanding of all these goddesses. And yet, when we explored them in circle they revealed so much more, and I learned so much…
Remembering Shakti
“Let us enter into communication with each of the energy centres that exist within the body. Let us learn the words spoken by our flesh, our bones, our blood, our breath. Let us follow the flow of our energy as it rises up within us, so that we may track all the ways it longs to seek expression in the world.” Hecate and Sheila-Na-Gig were the first Practical Magic Business Circle goddesses to reveal themselves to me. And then there was Shakti. I adore the energy of Shakti, for she is the stirring of life, she is the call for us to dance with our vital spark, to deeply and…
Remembering Sheila-Na-Gig
“I am Sheila-Na-Gig, and I offer the invitation of true self-enquiry, so that we can come into accordance with the rhythms of our body, our spirit, our heart, our mind. So that we may each see ourselves clearly as the entry point into the divine, and find our peace in the beginnings, middles and endings of all things.” Sheila-Na-Gig is the goddess that surprised me the most in the Practical Magic Business Circle. When I knew she was one of our goddesses, I’ll admit that I felt no small degree of trepidation. She’s a shadowy figure. She’s not about delivering clarity. She is a goddess of deep yin. And the…
Remembering Hecate
“We will set the scene, create the space… We will enter in and journey deep. We will hear the voice of our own wise self and we will make much magic. For I am Hecate, and that is my way. That is our way.” These were the words of Hecate, the first goddess that stepped forward for the Practical Magic Business Circle that I ran last Autumn. When I received them in my vision, I felt the truth of them all the way down to my bones. And yet, I could not have foreseen just how deep, how wise, how magical(!) the circle would become under her loving care. By…
Another Turn Of The Spiral
Yesterday I launched the next round of the Practical Magic Business Circle. We begin on the 9th March and we will be in circle with one another, with our businesses, and with the goddesses for 13 weeks. And as we spiral through these weeks together, we will touch on the same themes that were explored in the previous Practical Magic Business Circle that I held last autumn – Creativity, Ritual, Embodiment, Comparison, Boundaries and Cycle. We will also be meeting the same goddesses as those that gathered to meet us in the autumn circle – Gaia, Hecate, Shakti, Amaterasu, Sekhmet and Sheila-Na-Gig. We will even have the same circle…