It’s Not Often That I Paraphrase Ozzy Osbourne, But…
When I chose the word IGNITE as my word for the year, I had no idea it would have quite such a swift impact. Like wildfire, it’s racing through my world, burning away that which has been calling for release, energising that which has been calling for a boost, and initiating that which has been calling to be born. All of this to say that, in the words of Ozzy Osbourne, we’re going through changes. And I want to share those changes with you. Firstly, my prices for upgraded Goddess Guidance group membership are rising ***for new upgrades only*** from this Friday (10th). If you’ve been considering working with me,…
Last Chance!
Just a very quick note to let you know that the 2014 My Word Goddess Readings come off the market at the end of today. This is the 3rd year that I’ve offered these readings, and this year the demand has exceeded both years put together! It’s been completely epic, and I’ve been so deeply humbled and honoured that I’ve been in the position to connect so many women with their goddess for the coming year. If you want to know which goddess is stepping forward to meet you on the path of your journey through the year, then simply click here to find full details and put your order…
A Wee Confession About My Word Of The Year
My Word of 2014 – IGNITE My word for this year is IGNITE. And if I’m being completely honest with you, it scares me to death. Even now as I’m looking at it, I’m half-wishing that I’d chosen something different. Only half-wishing, though, because I know it’s the right word. I know that because I can feel my whole self rising up to meet it. But yes, it terrifies me. To ignite means… 1.a. To cause to burn. b. To set fire to. 2. To subject to great heat, especially to make luminous by heat. 3. To arouse the passions of; excite: The insults ignited my anger. And when I read…
2014 calls for…
My voice, my words, my song. Space, sweet space – room to breathe – room to dream. Bright light that burnishes my soul and my heart. The removal of the corset. Soft belly breaths. Heart expansion. Restriction removal. The beauty of friendship, of soul sister love – both letting the other be exactly as they are (without judgement). Daring. Kindling for the flames of my desire. The courage to give my children wings. Clear seeing. Tender touch – fingertips tracing lightly across bare skin. Wishes and dreams and longings and desires and cravings and ambitions and more. Invitations to be delighted. And love. Always love. What’s 2014 calling in for…
Don’t Just Take My Word For It….
It’s not often that you see another’s words here. But this is an exception. Because I really wanted you to hear from someone who has received a My Word Goddess Reading for the last couple of years. And Glenda’s response just blew me away. I have been working with Amy Palko for several years now. And since she started to offer it I received a Goddess of the Year. In 2012 she presented as Hera and I selected Harmony as my word. In 2013, it was Goddess Athena and I selected Strategy. And this year, 2014, Sophia came forward and I selected Heart. I always find that my journey with…