Aditi – Goddess of Sweet Spaciousness
Aditi is a Vedic goddess and is known as Mother Space – she is the mother of the first generation of Indian gods and goddesses, and is seen as a creation goddess. She is an immensely creative goddess, but she reminds us of a very specific aspect of creativity that often gets overlooked – creative space. She steps forward to call your attention to this aspect now. How much space are you getting in your life right now? And that’s in various aspects – time, energy, physical space, mental, emotional, etc. Aditi’s Message For You… Space. Space to breathe. Space to think. Space to dance. Space to rest. Space to…
Abeona – Goddess of Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Abeona is a goddess of Ancient Rome and she was thought to watch over children’s first steps as they begin to explore their world. She supports us as we break out of our comfort zone and enter into new levels of independence, self-discovery and personal responsibility. Abeona’s Message For You… I am the goddess who watches over your first steps. The one who encourages you to loosen the apron strings and to stumble forward on your own two feet. Because you can’t stay where it’s safe forever. At some point, you’re going to get inspired, you’re going to get restless, you’re going to get bored. And yes, you may meet…
Which Goddess Will Step Forward For You?
Last month as I was preparing for launching the 2014 My Word Goddess Readings, I took some time to sit with the list of goddesses that I work with on a regular basis. It’s a list of over 130, but as I scanned all their names, which now feel as familiar to me as my own, I noticed that some were very specifically choosing to step forward for these readings. I began writing down the names of those that were showing up, and swiftly ended up with a list of 78. And as I scanned this list, I felt a shiver pass through my whole body – the resonant energy…
No Such Thing As A Bad Goddess
I’m working through the first big batch of 2014 My Word Goddess Readings right now, and it struck me as I was emailing one out, that some of these goddesses might be interpreted as “bad” goddesses to get as a guide for the year. That someone might read the description and read doom and gloom into the coming months, when that’s really not the case. Yes, there are some goddesses that we associate with the light, with ease and luxury and wealth and romance. And there are goddesses that we associate with the dark, with challenge and release and transformation and struggle. But the truth is that all goddesses, every…
2014 My Word Goddess Readings Now Available!!
For the 3rd year running, I am offering My Word Goddess Readings – readings designed to hook you up with your goddess for the new year, and to give you a wee bit of guidance as you choose a “word for the year”. These readings will only be available for purchase until the 6th Jan, when they’ll come back off the market til December 2014. This year, I’m giving you more than ever, as I’m including a number of ways for you to deepen your personal connection to your goddess, with 6 creative exercises accompanying the description of the goddess stepping forward to meet you in the coming months. Oh,…