Gaia’s Goddess Guidance 18/4/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!
Pachamama’s Goddess Guidance 17/4/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!
A Day in the Life of a Goddess Guide
I struggle to surface from the depths of sleep as my beloved, already dressed in his motorcycle gear, leans in to kiss me goodbye. I murmur “ride safely”, before sleep rolls back in and I am once again adrift in my dreams. An hour or so later, I hear the kids beginning to get up. Their soft giggles, gentle teasing and the sound of the kettle pull me into full waking, as my daughter pads through with a large mug of tea. She places it on the bedside table and we share our dreams and our intentions for the day, before she wanders away to fix her breakfast. I sip…
Oya’s Goddess Guidance 16/4/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!
Sekhmet’s Goddess Guidance 15/4/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!