Pachamama’s Goddess Guidance 26/2/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!
A Moment of Quickening
original image by Tom Cuppens Held safe, nurtured, cradled in the world’s womb, the seeds of life are beginning to make their presence felt. They’re signalling to us that they are here, and that, even although we can’t see them yet, they are on their way. Check out my full article on the Full Quickening Moon – includes one of my most precious memories….
Sorceress Selfie
Want to know why I take & share selfies? The answer is here…
Does This Space Belong To You?
When I launched The Practical Magic Business Circle, I held a vision of 12 women, 13 including myself, holding an online space where our businesses could thrive with the nurturing support and loving care of the goddess. I saw us speaking our truths, sharing our intentions, our heart-felt wishes. I saw us celebrating each other’s successes. I saw us tenderly holding the vulnerable places revealed in the growth process. I saw us dancing and singing beneath the moon, as we invite in the qualities of abundance, ease, flow and deliciousness to infuse our businesses with all kinds of juicy goodness. I held that vision, wrote the salespage and then clicked…
Kali’s Goddess Guidance 23/2/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!