Welcoming the Water Snake Dreamboard
I knew before I even got up out of bed this morning that I needed to make a dreamboard today. It’s been such a beautiful process and, as I sit beside the finished piece, I can hear its secret whisperings. I think it has many revelations to gift me….
A Wet Weekend in Edinburgh
Cerridwen, Cacao and the Snake
A few weeks ago, I took part in a Cacao Ceremony with the divine Annu Tara. I arrived at her home, set intentions, drank the specially prepared cacao medicine, and then embarked upon a 3 hour journey of revelation upon revelation. Now, I should probably explain that I connect to goddesses, guides, and angels on a daily basis. They gift me with dreams, images, stories, messages and often with direct guidance. So, my connection with the cacao deva allowed me to enter into that intuitive space for a longer period of time than usual, and to permit a process of deepening my understanding of the guidance gifted to me. One…
Changing Woman’s Goddess Guidance 9/2/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!
Blogging Like No-One Was Reading
On Monday I started a blogging experiment. I didn’t hold any expectations. All I knew was that I’d painted myself into a corner with all the blogging “shoulds” I’d bought into. I’d slipped into believing in everyone else’s thoughts about how you should blog, and I’d disregarded my own. And so I’d stopped blogging. I genuinely had no clue what to blog about. I’d sit down to write a post, and I’d find myself staring out of the window and the ships lining the horizon, the flocking gulls, the changing light as cloud cleaved from cloud, the white crests of waves in the far distance, the multicoloured graffiti on the…