Dance Dance Dance
What Would It Feel Like To Be Guided By Goddesses?
Have you been considering gifting yourself some goddess guidance? The gorgeous Alma Sipila has shared with me her experience of premium membership of my Goddess Guidance group, so now you can get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a part of this very special community… Out of all the guides, teacher, mentors and coaches I have searched through (and there have been many), Amy, for me, is the perfect blend of spirituality and full on, no nonsense, “get-your-pretty-back-end-off-the-couch-and-out-making-miracles” -groundedness. I have worked with her for the past two months and in this small length of time she has helped me clarify the shape of my business to a…
Dreaming Selfie
Thoughts on… being yourself
Throw out your book of shoulds. It’s not serving you now and it won’t in the future.
Aphrodite’s Goddess Guidance 8/2/13
Join Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group, and receive the many gifts of the goddess!