My Love
As soft and as plentiful as the fireweed seeds that muffle the thorns of the motorway shrubs is the love I feel for you.
Kuan Yin’s Goddess Guidance 6/2/13
Amy’s Goddess Guidance Group
5/2/13 The Deliciousness
A wee recap of today’s posts… A Harbour Moment 2 Persephone’s Goddess Guidance 5/2/13 Selfie in Transit What I Know About Business A Case of You Bride and The Cailleach – a retelling complete with Scottish accent Vintage Amy – Confronting Your Diamond Demon
Vintage Amy – Confronting Your Diamond Demon
Imagine a beautiful diamond. It’s so clear and perfect in every aspect. The sun glints off its surfaces casting rainbows all around. It is multi-faceted and utterly resplendent. This diamond is you. The you that exists beneath the layers you’ve built to protect the tenderest parts of yourself. The you that longs to shine brightly, that wishes to share its radiance with the world, and which, instead, is filtered through the layers until it becomes a dim glow. The gift that fear gives you is an invitation to explore one of the facets of your diamond self. And this invitation is the same if the experience of fear is one…
Bride & The Cailleach – a retelling complete with Scottish accent
Find the longer version of this story along with 5 others plus visualisations, journal prompts, and creative exercises in Virgins & Lovers: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess.