A Self-Love Letter
Dearest Amy Do you remember the time years ago when you would stand at the sink looking out at the Kyle of Durness as you washed the dishes? Your gaze fixed on the shifting colours of the sand bars beneath the shallow water that flowed in from the freezing Atlantic Ocean. Your hands covered in suds, the little bubbles drying on the translucent skin of your inner wrist long forgotten, as your spirit travelled on updrafts to meet the gulls that circled somewhere between earth and cloud. Your belly full of child waiting to breathe the air and know the tender loving touch of its mother. I loved you then…
Selfies and Me
Last Friday I took a self-portrait. And then I took another on Saturday. And another on Sunday. I’ve taken one every day for the last 6 days and in that time I’ve made some really interesting discoveries about myself. One of those discoveries is just how squeamish I am about taking and sharing these photos. It feels vain and self-indulgent. I feel awkward taking them to begin with, but I find that, the more photos I take, the more relaxed I become, and I stop judging myself. The judgment only returns when I share them. And then the script that runs through my head is what “other people” will think…
Pinterest! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Quite A Lot, Actually.
Why should you have a Pinterest account? I mean, surely it’s just a massive waste of time, right? Well, the truth is, yes, it can be a massive waste of time. But, it doesn’t have to be. It can actually be a really useful tool. Like all forms of social media, it’s all in the way you approach it. We can use it to numb out, or we can use it to add value. The choice always lies with us. So, how do I use Pinterest? Here’s how… Virtual Altar Every new moon, I create an altar. I select items from around my home, and I keep my eyes open…
Bella’s Not That Bad, Is She?
I have to tell you that I just consume YA fiction & film like it’s going out of fashion. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read Twilight. I was one of those who pre-ordered Harry Potter and then pounced on the postman as soon as he rang the doorbell. I saw The Hunger Games movie twice… within 24 hrs. I find myself completely fascinated by the narratives that we are communicating to our young people – the messages both subtle and not-so-subtle. And one thing that I keep coming up against in conversations about YA fiction is whether Bella Swan from Twilight is a good role model for…
Words To Guide You Home
Today I have done something which invited me to take a big step outside of my comfort zone. Today I’m sharing Words To Guide You Home: Hymns to the Bliss Body. It is my deepest wish that you read the words, and they gently usher you back into relationship with your body, to the pleasure that is available to you in that relationship. I should also say that this is my lowest price offering *and* that I’m giving you an option to edit the price to make sure that you are paying a price that feels delicious to you. You can find out all about this new offering along with…