• Creative Writing

    A Morning Moment

    My lover curls around the curves of my body, his hot prickly cheek resting against the velvet flesh of my breast. I place the flat of my palm against his chest and feel the languid lubdub of his heart beat beneath the skin and the muscle and the bone. Each beat marks a moment past. And just for a second I allow myself to mourn its passing, knowing that I can never experience that exact beat of his heart ever again – so recently felt and now lost. And part of me is still wondering how many beats of his heart and mine we still have left to share when he…

  • Self-Care,  Self-Reflection

    A Path to Wellness

    3 weeks ago I woke up with a pain in my abdomen. A sharp pain that stole my breath and fought my every move. And I did what I always do when faced with pain. I ignored it. I carried on with what I’d said I would do. I commuted, had meetings, client sessions, family commitments, housework and all the rest. Until I couldn’t. I shifted from ignoring the pain to denying it. It’s not so bad, I told my beloved. I told myself. The last time I went to the doctor was over a decade ago. I don’t get sick, I protested. When I finally relented, I was really…

  • General News

    Letting the Crones Loose

    Make sure you read all the way to the bottom, as there’s a very special offer to celebrate the release of the crones!! Today is a red letter day, because today I am (finally!) releasing the last of the goddess guides. Rather than releasing the crone goddesses one by one, I’ve decided just to launch them into the world all at once. And I can’t actually explain how happy it makes me to be able to share these gorgeous crones with you. Truly they are among my favourites! Let me explain why… The crone is the female archetype that is accessible to us all, and she has great gifts to…

  • Self-Discovery

    Perhaps The Heart of a Poet Lies Here…

    Yesterday, I signed up to two classes: Vivienne McMaster’s Montage and Liz Lamoreux’s Poem It Out. Viv’s class is going to teach me how to make soulful videos, while Liz’s will help me explore poetry on a personal level. The two seem like such beautiful compliments to one another. I am really so excited! There’s still time to sign up for them if you fancy joining in too. And in the meantime, I wanted to share this poem that I wrote a few years ago… My Poetry Education My poetry education begins with paper and pen and a promise that I’ll allow myself time. Time enough to grow and get…

  • Good Things

    Good Things 22/07/12

    Dancing to live jazz in the crowded Grassmarket of Edinburgh. Being a botanical pornographer for the day. Grand Tours from two of my favourite ladies: Nona Jordan and Amy Oscar. Drinking wine in the afternoon with a lovely, inspirational friend talking crone goddesses, embodiment & travel. This course with Liz Lamoreux: Poem It Out – so tempted!! Blethering with Jackie Walker. A song that says yes to it all. Knitting soulskins while dreaming up business plans. My Kindle. I really didn’t get e-readers, until I got one. Has become my new security blanket. Inseparable. Kathleen Prophet’s Sacred Wild Creative Genius Program – so juicy! Choosing an outrageous life. Creating a…