• General News

    Want Some Goddess Guidance? The Time Is Now!

    I really wanted to share this with you… Last week, I asked the lovely ladies of my Goddess Guidance Group what 3 words they would choose to describe the group to others, and this is the result. Isn’t that just delicious? All the words used here evoke my original intention for the group so very beautifully. I always wanted my Goddess Guidance Group to be a place where women could come and not only explore their own personal connection to a wide variety of goddesses, but also a place where they could find acceptance, support, comfort, and, of course, guidance. I have purposely kept the subscription price really low (only…

  • Self-Discovery

    What If You Chose Not To Believe What You’ve Always Believed?

    It’s funny, isn’t it, how we get stuck in our perception of ourselves? We have this concept of self that we adhere to, even when we receive evidence to the contrary, even when it doesn’t serve us. This crystalline, immutable template of you, arresting potential and limiting possibility. For example, here are 5 of my beliefs…. I don’t like whisky. I’m not artistic. I have dark auburn hair. I am not a poet. I’m hopeless at marketing. Are these true? Do they offer an accurate reflection of me as I am now? Or are these just beliefs that seemed valid at one time and that I’m still hanging onto now?…

  • Photography

    A Day in the Gardens

    Today the sun came out and I so I grabbed my camera and headed off to Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens – one of my absolutely favourite places. I thought I’d share with you some of what I saw… I haven’t taken photos for such a long time, and it felt so delicious to return to it. What have you not done for a while that is calling to your heart?

  • Self-Care

    Because Sometime You Just Need To Sleep

    Bone deep weariness trickles through my whole body like honey. Flesh lies heavy and muscle turns to water. The world begins to take on a different aspect through these tired eyes – edges softened, borders blurred, lights dimmed… Because sometimes you just need to sleep. And sometimes you just need to let yourself sleep. When we resist rest, we deny ourselves the chance to refill our well… we deny ourselves the chance to dream. Today, promise me this. Promise me that when you’re tired, you’ll rest. If it means that you have to say no, that you have to postpone, that you have to make alternative arrangements… do what you…

  • General News

    Introducing Demeter

    Today I’m releasing Demeter’s Goddess Guide. It’s the last of my mother goddess guides, (the other two are Ancient Egyptian Isis and Hawaiian Haumea) and I’m hoping to start releasing the next set of guides starting next week – keep your eyes peeled from Cerridwen, Baba Yaga & Hecate – a trio of juicy crones!! In the meantime, check out Demeter – she is such an important goddess for contemporary women and the ways in which they manage (or don’t manage!) mothering energy. When Demeter is with us strongly and we’re not consciously aware of her presence, we can slip into really unsustainable patterns of energy that can leave us…