• Good Things

    Good Things 15/07/12

    Dancing that leaves you breathless and elated. A new dress the colour of Indian ink. The next 21 day meditation challenge Free to Love from The Chopra Centre (starts tomorrow!). A full pot of chorizo, pork & chickpea casserole. Prosperity goddesses Hathor & Lakshmi tag-teaming my Goddess Guidance group this weekend. Mumford & Sons singing in French. Learning the finer points of identifying single malt whiskies. Writing. Always writing. Sipping a glass of rosé wine – the distillation of sunset shades. Prayers to the Goose Gods with Isis Leeor. Free writing answers to this question. Becoming emotionally invested in romance novels. Like this one. Watching arctic terns fly home with tiny silver…

  • Self-Reflection

    This Thing Called Life

    Last night I danced with my beloved. His hand pressed tightly against the small of my back. The room blurred and unfocused as our spinning disorientated and thrilled me. Our feet moving in close rhythm – lightly, joyfully. The heat flushing my cheeks causing my hair to cling to my temples and neck. A beautiful memory of limb and muscle that reminded us of so many other dances where we have held one another close and shared our love for the music, our love for each other. Last night I remembered just how much I love dancing, how much I love my husband, how much I love this thing called…

  • Self-Care,  Self-Reflection

    A Writer Who’s Not Writing

    Is there any pain quite so poignant as the experience of not doing what you feel in your bones you were born to do? For the last month I’ve been so preoccupied with teaching a short course at university and trying to keep on top of my business commitments, that my writing practice has slipped. And yes, I tell myself that it’s ok. That these things happen. That sometimes life gets in the way. That all of life is a cycle and that my writing practice will return. Nothing is ever truly lost… But that doesn’t lessen the tug I’ve felt on my heart, or soothe the ruffled feathers of…

  • Beautiful Beliefs

    Beautiful Beliefs 6: I believe that…

    …ancient wisdom delivers contemporary guidance. And last Sunday I was so very fortunate to explore this belief with Ronna Detrick in her Sunday Service. You can listen to our conversation by clicking the link below – it’s really juicy! Ronna & Me – Sunday Service This is a Beautiful Beliefs post. If you would like to share your own, simply complete the sentence ‘I believe that….’ on your blog, explore a little about where that belief comes from and how it expresses itself in your life, and then come back here and leave a link in the box below and share it with everybody here.

  • Beautiful Beliefs

    Beautiful Beliefs 5: I believe that…

    …I am reborn through savasana. A what pose? You want me to pose like a dead person? Why on earth would I want to do that!? My first thoughts at adopting savasana – or corpse pose, as it’s also known – were not entirely positive. However, this whole yoga thing is still so very new to me, that I knew that I owed it to myself to give up any judgements I may have about the practice, or my capability to achieve half the positions I had committed to attempt. I’ve surprised myself with how quickly I’ve grown into my practice. How, after even only one week, it’s now become…