General News
The mothering of art…
I felt so fortunate this morning to glance at my calendar and see that today I had booked a Spotlight Session with my beautifully wise friend Tanya Geisler.* During our time together we found ourselves following the red threads of art, artistry, free and full self-expression, and unapologetic creativity, as Tanya patiently, lovingly, brilliantly, helped me to shine a light onto all the places where I’ve been hiding in the wings rather than stepping into my starring role. Deeply revealing. Deeply delicious. One of these threads led us to the role and responsibility of the parent who nurtures and fosters a child from infancy through to adulthood, and the role…
Knitted with magic…
I knit a lot. I find it calms me, brings me back to my body, and reminds me that life is best lived as a tactile, tangible, felt experience. For me, it is a meditation of the hands. Consequently, I’m not the kind of knitter whose pleasure arrives in the completion, but more in the process. Sure, I like to make beautiful garments… fine soft red lace that drapes elegantly over shoulders, snuggly soft swathes that envelop in warmth and in love, close-fitting rib in cashmere, merino and silk that lay close to the lines and the curves of the body beneath. But what I love most is the feel of…
Introducing the Goddesses of the Next PMBC
As nature begins to wake up to the deliciousness of Spring, I’ve been getting ready to host the next round of the Practical Magic Business Circle which opens its doors next Tuesday. As part of that preparation, I’ve been connecting in with the goddesses who are stepping forward to guide us there, and so, I thought that now would be the perfect opportunity to introduce them all to you! Unlike in previous circles where we focused on 6 goddesses, this time round, I’m going to be inviting you to explore the guidance of 20! Every Tuesday and Thursday, I’ll be sharing posts in the PMBC secret FB group that connect you…
Introducing Embody Your Mythic Astrology!
The energies are stirring, my loves. Can you feel it? Something new is readying to be born…. something rooted deep in the ancient, in the mystic, in the mythic. As the mists begin to clear, we see the shape, the form, the magic of this offering that combines the wild wise ways of both Amy Palko & Kathleen Prophet. It’s called Embody Your Mythic Astrology. We invite you to enter into the Mysteries with us… A place where you can fully release… screech and moan, howl and groan, laugh and play… expressing allllll of your sacred WILD self without mitigation by a civilization who fear the dark. Who fear the…
I wonder which goddess will step forward for you….
So, my lovelies, the 2016 My Word Goddess Readings are here! For the last 5 years (5!?) I have offered to connect people to their goddess for the coming year to act as a guide, a source of support, comfort, inspiration, and a powerful ally as we continue to step into greater and greater degrees of wholeness on this journey of becoming. And every year, December seems to catch me by surprise! How can it possibly be the last month of the year when I am still confusing last year’s date with this year’s? However, here we are. Another December. Another year’s end. And with its arrival, the 2016 My…