
  • General News,  Self-Care,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Esteem,  Self-Reflection

    What The Butterfly Knows

    One of my favourite apps for my iPhone (besides from Pixlr Express!) is Sarah Bamford Seidelmann‘s What The Walrus Knows. It’s a really cool wee app which delivers animal wisdom to you through an oracle function, as well as providing a field guide. For example, if you keep finding crow feathers, or you’re being stalked by tortoises, you can check out what guidance that animal has for you. So, when I was beginning to put together A Summer of Self & Soul, I asked which animal wanted to step forward to accompany those who were choosing to go on this journey together. Butterfly flitted forth. And when I read her…

  • General News,  Self-Care,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Esteem,  Self-Reflection

    Selfies As Sacred Practice

    What if selfies formed the basis of your sacred practice? What do you think you’d discover about yourself? About your connection to the divine? About your cultural conditioning? About the contents of your heart? About the tender truths that are asking to be spoken? I would love to support you over this summer as you unveil to yourself the exquisiteness of you – your self and your soul – through the sacred practice of taking, creating and sharing a daily selfie in an intimate, closed group. If this sounds challenging to you, trust me, that’s because it’s challenging! However, if you feel that tug, that call, that longing that you…

  • General News,  Photography,  Self-Care,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Esteem,  Self-Reflection

    Are You Ready for A Summer of Self & Soul?

    It’s been almost a year since I started to take selfies on a daily basis. Almost without realising I developed a practice that has been, quite simply, a soft revolution. And now it’s time to open this practice up to you so that you can experience the gifts it can offer… I’ve written about my selfie practice before, but when I looked back at the post I wrote after only the first week of this practice, I discovered that I had already made one of the most powerful observations of this whole practice… I don’t have to be the person I’ve always been. That there isn’t the fixity of self that I’ve…

  • Goddess Guidance,  Self-Esteem,  Self-Reflection

    You Are Not A Goddess

    There’s something you need to know, my lovely. You are not a goddess. And that’s ok. In fact, that’s more than ok. It’s just as it should be. Because… You will mess things up and get it wrong. You will stumble. Often. You will fall if only to know that you have the strength to get back to your feet. You will have regrets. You will feel pain. You will ache with the effort it takes to get through some days. You will lose your temper. You will put your foot in your mouth. Your perfectionism will render you imperfect. You will do things that you won’t be proud of.…

  • Creative Writing,  Good Things,  Self-Care,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Esteem,  Self-Reflection

    The Gift of Words

    What you would like to bring more of to the world? Words. Beautiful words that elevate the soul while singing psalms of love to the body. Words that evoke those invisible things that make up the dimensions of a life well lived. Words that call us home, that offer comfort, solace, peace, acceptance. Words that reflect back to us the true and radiant beauty of ourselves in our fullness. What motivates you to bring these — why do you bring them? Because this is how we know god. This is how we know ourselves. This is how we dance with the divine, how we partner our soul’s true purpose –…