Goddess Guidance Group
Having Amy’s personal support is like floating on gentle, rocking waves of the warmest ocean – completely relaxed and at rest. Amy has an uncanny ability to see what is happening in this moment and help me to see how to best work with what is. I adore the daily Goddess Guidance and combining it with personal support is just delicious. This personal work with Amy has helped me to bring more of the goddess energy into all areas of my life during a time of huge transition. ~ Nona Jordan, Business Yogini
Gifting myself with a premium membership to Amy’s Goddess Guidance group has proven to be one of the wisest, most nurturing, and delicious decisions I’ve made in quite some time. Amy’s guidance is brilliant and her connection to the divine goddess energy is truly extraordinary. Added to that is her remarkable skill at both helping you expand your perspective in overview and also honing in focus in truly practical we’re-here-to-live-our-lives ways. It’s genius!
I love having personal access to her mojo on a monthly basis – it deepens the daily and weekly goddess-guidance practice and is so uplifting and supportive. Plus receiving all her other e-guides and magics is over-the-top delightful. I whole-heartedly recommend the premium membership if you want to dive deeply and immerse yourself in uncovering and incorporating all aspects of the divine feminine available to us to dance with. ~ Deborah Weber, Temenos of the Blessing Light
A goddess is a goddess on any level, but when you dive deeper into the experience of goddess guidance you dive deeper into your own self truth. Amy’s support in this realm is profound. She is a vessel of wisdom, a connector and a sparkler for your soul. Her support works within you helping you to bolster your relationship with the goddesses, as well as your understanding of how their guidance can lift your soul. Premium as a descriptor doesn’t even begin to describe just how special her work is. ~ Tracey Selingo, Your Promise Profit
Working with Amy is like giving yourself the best gift you could every month. Her insights are always spot on, deeply meaningful and very practical. Her wisdom never fails to astound me. ~ Sarah Newton, Teenologist
When Amy put out the invitation for the premium Goddess Guidance membership, I felt an immediate YES rise up. And I’m really glad I answered that internal call. The readings and wisdom Amy offers in the group are always spot-on, and the community of women is unparalleled. So to get all of that PLUS one-on-one time with Amy each month? All I can say is WOW — oh, and what are you waiting for? ~ Anna Guest-Jelley, Curvy Yoga
Goddess Guidance Readings
I decided to have Amy Palko do a Rose Reading for me since I had been struggling tremendously with a particular relationship for quite some time. I was having difficulty being able to heal from it and move beyond it. I wasn’t quite sure how it would look and I have to say Amy’s ability to help me get clear was nothing short of amazing. Amy provides one of the safest and most sacred spaces to be vulnerable. She not only did a reading that was “spot on”, without having any idea of the specifics, she provided additional insight after the reading. Something was shifted so profoundly for me that I actually made a joke with some friends in which I would say, “I don’t know what the heck that Amy did over in Scotland but damn! she did something”
Amy also told me to get in tune with my body, and rather urgently- not knowing how significant that was going to become. Although I had already been keenly paying attention, the solution to what has been wrong with me suddenly became clear and so I removed a medication suspecting it’s side effects. One of those side effects was a pulmonary embolism which I suffered, but survived, within days of stopping that medicine. I can’t help but think that small warning heeded made a life and death difference for me. I have an immense respect for Amy, her gifts, and her offerings. Nothing “woo woo” about it, she is the real deal. ~Kat McCullough of Parachute Promise
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess
For many years I’d wanted to connect with the goddess stories, but somehow I couldn’t fire my imagination into finding the meaning, or relevance for me. I felt disappointed and if I’m honest, even a little lacking. I suspected there was magic in those tales – something beautiful, primal, visceral – but it wasn’t revealing itself to me.
Until I met Amy.
Joining Amy’s online course, Bloom by Moon, unlocked the secret! I already knew Amy’s prowess as a storyteller was second to none, but what I marvelled at each month, was her special brand of gentle, probing wisdom. Asking questions and creating exercises which allowed me to extract my own meaning and significance from the goddess tales was where I found the greatest satisfaction in Bloom by Moon – and it continues to provide great fodder for my explorations of self…
If you’ve struggled to discover your personal story in the ancient tales, or are simply looking for some new inspiration for your creative outlets, then I can vouch for this collection one hundred per cent. ~ Julie Gibbons
Your beautiful words bounce around like fireflies throughout my body and I feel like I am home. How very grateful I am to have found you. When I think of the “senses” exercise, I understand in an instant how long it has been since my eyes have visually enjoyed the gorgeous poetry of artful, achingly sensual, heart inspired language. Thanks for being a bright shining star!! ~ Jenny Howard
Virgins to lovers, our lives fast-forward in one moment. Amy’s compilation of essays, stories and narratives show these changes over a series of moments. Searching for balance, experiencing deep grief, feeling surprise as we recognize the first sparks of desire, this storybook is fanciful and magical in the way that only women are and can be. The prompts and exercise in the playbook are the perfect guide for sinking deeper into connecting the past to the present, the goddesses with ourselves. ~ Jenn Gibson of Roots of She
I have just read and done some of the visualisations in Virgins and Lovers. Great stuff! You have such a gentle and soothing way of bringing women home to themselves. ~Sarah Newton
Bloom by Moon
Black and white. Stop and start. It’s rarely thus, even when we think it is so. Some things are more around the corner and back again than straight through the door and my monthly membership of master storyteller Amy Palko‘s Bloom By Moon venture has been just that. Twisting and turning my way through deep comprehension of me, myself and I via long established tales of wisdom, retold in a framework for expansion and a comforting cocoon all at once, you’ll want to join us in the moonlight if you’re keen to explore something new.
~ Julie Gibbons, sensuous bohemian and creatrix of Organikal
I have loved exploring the resonances of this month’s story and how it relates to what is unfolding for me right now. I have loved learning about the symbology around the lunar cycle and becoming more aware of its movement through my own life and how I can honour this. Most of all, I have loved connecting with so many wonderful and inspiring women and with Amy herself. Amy’s passion for this work illuminates everything she does. Bloom by Moon is already a gentle and nurturing presence in my life and I’m looking forward to the insights that the new moon in February will bring.
~ Sophie Nichols, Hypnotherapist & Trainer, Creativity Coach and creatrix of Word Sauce
Honestly? I initially signed up to Bloom by Moon to support my friend but what I found with the moon content and the community was much, much, much more than I’d ever expected. It’s beautiful, enlightening and also useful…it provides insights into every day situations and helps you understand situations which seem completely unrelated.
~ Lea Woodward, co-founder of Inspiring Ventures, Business Coach and About Page diva
Hymns to the Bliss Body
In Hymns to the Bliss Body, Amy Palko asks each of us to claim the divine experience of embodiment. The sensual experience of living in our gorgeous, amazing bodies. This is an invitation none of us can afford to ignore. Thank you Amy, for sharing this invitation with all of us. Truly beautiful…. ~ Nona Jordan, The Business Yogini
Exquisite Hymns to the Bliss Body! Erotic relationship to my Beloved in MEEEeeeee… and in You. Amy Palko’s passionate relationship to her deep embodied sacred self awakens my own! Songs to begin each day with! YUUUMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! ~ Kathleen Prophet, Unleash Your Wild Creative Genius
Hymns to the Bliss Body is brainy and sensuous – my kind of writing. I gobbled it up. ~ Vena Ramphal, Passion Coach
Just purchased this book of prose and have already indulged in the first few poems…. all I can say is… these words of Amy’s have a passion and depth which moves you deep within your sensual senses. Please do purchase your copy today to truly connect with your own inner bliss, that the body promises to divulge, through the gentle seduction of Amy’s words. ~ Nikki Turner, Starlight Scotland
Amy has gone to a new edge, with Hymns to the Bliss Body, exploring the simple erotic pleasures and pains of every day life in a language that’s deeply inspiring and relatable. Her words are like a “Yes, me too, keep going”, as I roll around in the undone sheets of what it means to be truly alive. I treasure every morsel of connection that Amy’s made space for in this beautiful, powerful work. ~ Rachael Maddox, Rach.Mad.Love
Amy Palko defines lusciousness anew. Sensuous, erotic… [Hymns to the Bliss Body] brings you back into your body to discover it tingling, alive, and whole in its imperfections. Really, it’s way too hard to put words to this. I know I will delve and read and savour every luscious morsel, again and again. ~ Karen Wallace, Your Luscious Life & The Calm Space
Hymns to the Bliss Body should be required reading for every woman starting at age 21. Raw. Truthful. Naked. Loving. These are the only words I can find to describe the universal journey Amy has managed to beautifully transcribe from head to toe. Each poem a stark reminder that once we step into our skin we can truly experience the life we’re destined to live. ~ Tracey Selingo, Your Promise Profit
Your Archetype Code Session
Our call and this report put me into just the perspective I needed and I was looking for for so long!!!! I LOVE your approach, thinking of the goddesses and gods as archetypes, I think this is so true! And applying their stories and complicated relations to others on us is so appropriate, I still can`t believe how obvious it is. and SO helpful!!! I really see myself in many of the characteristics you mentioned during the call and in the report and it makes perfect sense and it brought peace and loving understanding for my own self. and that`s the biggest gift anyone has ever given me! ~ Gabriela Rexova
Deeper understanding of the forces at play in my life. The Goddesses that stepped forward for me were very clear and understandable as a reflect back on my life and very helpful as I look to my future. ~ Tracey Selingo
Validation of all the parts of me, the path I needed to accept and who I really was. It made me feel whole. ~ Sarah Newton
Clarity that I am on the right path, reassurance that I am not alone and that my past is a part of me that I need to accept, and direction – where I need to focus my attention for my business. ~ Jayne Missoni
Amy combines mystical intuition and wicked intellect to offer a richly spiritual experience. My “reading” is, by far, one of the most profoundly moving experiences of my life. She told truths. She revealed insights. She hit nerves. And she poured forth endless streams of perspective, healing, and love. I now walk through this world with a deep and palpable awareness of the goddesses and gods who accompany me. Because of them – and her – I know more strength, more tenderness, and more hope. ~ Ronna Detrick
Amy’s archetype reading has helped me to understand and manage aspect of myself that I have never understood, but which have, at times, literally created havoc in my life. I could easily see Demeter in my life, in my belief that all ills could be rectified with a hug and a good meal! But less obvious to me were the shadow aspects, despite their evidence erupting periodically and leaving me with deep damage to friendships, my work and most importantly to my self confidence.
I recently had a very busy period, not getting enough sleep and being very outgoing, but thanks to the insight I had gained through Amy’s reading I was able to recognise that I needed to take some time out for myself to recharge, and all passed smoothly.
The impact of this reading on my life has been massive and probably not exageration to say that it has been life changing. Thanks so much Amy. ~ Gillian Alexander