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It’s My Birthday, So Let’s Party With The Goddesses!!

Oh my goddess, I cannot quite believe that I’m 34 – how did that happen!? In my head, I’m not a day over, say, 25. However, the date on my birth certificate (signed by Dr Love, no less – true story), confirms that today is indeed my 34th birthday. Therefore we simply must celebrate, darling!!

My offline plans include chocolate, champagne and maybe a trip to Anthropologie with my birthday discount card. Online, I am celebrating with a Pay What You Can sale on both Virgins & Lovers and Mothers & Crones – both volumes of my Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess.

Yes, you read that right – for the next 48hrs you get to choose a price on my two biggest, juiciest, epic-est(?) goddess offerings. Altogether we’re talking 12 goddess stories, 12 visualisations (text & audio), 12 creative exercises, oodles of memory and journal prompts – ooh, and printable journal pages – almost forgot about those!

Here’s the full list of goddesses explored in both volumes…

Virgins & Lovers

  • Persephone: A guide for lost souls and queen of the Underworld, Persephone weaves a tale of transition, initiation & independence to take you back to your own first movements towards independence, to help you make sense of how that huge transition continues to impact upon your choices today.
  • Brigid: A Celtic goddess whose narratives have become entangled with that of the Christian church, Brigid offers us a way of integrating the changing cycles of the feminine experience by engaging with both the Celtic & Christian interpretations.
  • Artemis: My most popular goddess story, Artemis is a goddess that we find it all too easy to identify with, specifically in relation to our work, our careers, our businesses. I have a feeling Artemis will speak to your heart words to bring you balance and clarity.
  • Freya: A beautiful Norse goddess who was not afraid to use her sexuality to get what she wanted, Freya is model for living our sexuality in a way that refuses to engage in narratives of shame. Told through the figure of a völva, a Scandic female shaman, Freya’s story frees us from the shackles of a confused cultural perspective of female sexuality.
  • Hera: Much maligned, this queen of heaven is so much more that a vengeful shrew. Hera illustrates that all too common experience of losing ourselves to love. Her story deals with the outcomes of the loss of identity instigated by entering into a romantic relationship, and gives us clues on how to rediscover that essential sense of self.
  • Aphrodite: The goddess of love who has been held up as an example of male fantasy, Aphrodite invites you to connect to her to forge a deeper understanding of what she has to offer contemporary women. Singing you back to your senses, this beautiful goddess has the power to lead you back to a loving relationship with your body and your femininity.

Mothers & Crones

  • Isis: An Ancient Egyptian goddess to help you mother yourself back to wholeness. Sometimes we experience a fragmentation of self. This tends to happen when we leave a particular phase behind in our life and we are left, for a time, wondering who we are and how do we move forward. Isis holds the space for you to pick up the pieces.
  • Haumea: A beautiful Hawaiian goddess who is known as the divine midwife, Haumea is credited with teaching women how to give birth to their children. And yet, this goddess teaches us how to birth all manner of offspring, from babies to businesses, from artwork to a new sense of self. What will you be birthing with her help?
  • Demeter: The Ancient Greek goddess who wandered the globe in search for her lost daughter is, perhaps, one of the most well-known of the goddesses included here. A story perfect for recent empty-nesters, but also for all of us who have difficulty letting go of our children (whether these be actual children or creative projects, friendships, businesses, books etc.). Here we learn to release.
  • Cerridwen: Ah – the power of story! That’s what Cerridwen, the crone goddess of Wales teaches us. In this retelling we find out all about her dealings with Gwion Bach, the first Welsh bard, and we discover how important our own story is to both teller and listener.
  • Baba Yaga: So often represented as the wicked witch or the bad fairy of folk and fairy tale, Baba Yaga is the Slavic crone who gifts us with challenges so that we might grow strong and resourceful. With my retelling of the story of Vasilisa and Baba Yaga, I’m hoping to change your perspective of her from a tormentor to a benefactor.
  • Hecate: The most most elusive of all the goddesses, Hecate’s story did not want to be written. Her words eventually came through in a slightly different form, but a form which I think you’ll find just as powerful as the more conventional story. She’ll speak to you of initiation, independence, loss and the humble gift of witnessing.

Truly, it feels like such a gift to me to think of more women exploring these delicious goddesses for themselves using this material as their guide.

So, if the goddesses are calling to you and you’re ready to dive deep, celebrate with me by snapping up either or both Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess volumes. In fact, even if you think that you might not have the time to dive deep right now, I would still recommend that you grab your copies now, as birthdays only come around once a year and you can always stash it somewhere safe for the perfect moment 😉

The sale starts now and will be over in 48hrs time (Friday 9am GMT). Both volumes usually retail for £89 each, but for today and tomorrow only you get to edit the price to one that better suits your budget. I’ve put a minimum price of £15 on each (which is the price of 1 goddess guide – there are 6 guides in each volume, so that’s like 12 for the price of 2!), so any amount upwards from that will be perfect.

Simply click on the Add To Cart button below, edit the amount to one of your choice, and then complete the payment through PayPal. Once the payment has gone through, you’ll receive a download link for your goddess goodness, so you can get stuck in straight away if you so wish!!

Virgins & Lovers

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Mothers & Crones

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Happy shopping, my lovelies – I’m off to pour myself some bubbly!!

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