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What Do Goddesses Have To Do With Business Anyway?

Everything! Well, I would say that, wouldn’t I? But genuinely, I believe that the goddesses can unlock a multitude of aspects concerning you and your business. Let me explain…

The way I work with the goddesses is to first operate with the understanding that the individual goddesses are all expressions of some greater whole. This Great Goddess holds within her all paradox, all contradiction – there is nothing that she doesn’t contain and express. She is, quite literally, everything.

But to engage with her in her fullness would be kind of like trying to take a bite out of a watermelon.

Instead, we have portioned her out into a whole variety of goddesses arising from cultures right across the globe. Kind of like, each culture holding a piece of some divine puzzle. We are invited to explore these individual pieces, these goddesses – to explore their form, their edges, their curves –  to feel their energy, taste their flavour, inhale their perfume – to listen to their stories, resonate with their energy, be guided by their wisdom.

So, in my Goddess Guidance Group, and in my individual one-on-one readings, this is what we do – we explore these gorgeous, vibrant, rich goddesses, we connect to their stories, and we get in touch with our own capacity to connect with them intuitively, so that we might listen to the messages they hold for us.

You can think of it as the goddesses each providing a window on the world – a way of looking at things. And with each goddess comes a new perspective, a new angle. And so, in relation to your business, the goddesses help us to understand our businesses in a deeply profound way, helping us to create clarity around what it is that we want for ourselves, for our clients, how to best deliver our gifts into the world, and how we want to create delicious growth and sustainability on our own terms.

For example, the goddess Freya, whose narrative tells us how she traded 3 nights of body for Brísingamen, the necklace of power, and was then publicly shamed for having done so, but refused to accept the shameful interpretation of her actions, helps us to feel into our hangups around pricing and around self-worth. She brings light to the places where we are holding onto shame, where we are still limited by our cultural conditioning. And brings guidance on what it might mean for us to let that conditioning go.

Another example is the goddess Lakshmi whose energy helps us to find flow by finding a balance between creating the containers of our business (the structure, the offerings, the details) and trusting in divine abundance. The money can’t flow if there are energetic blocks in the way. Neither can it flow if you have not attended to the channels by which it might find its way to you and your bank account. So we call on Lakshmi to offer us guidance in this endeavour.


If you are feeling called to explore your business with the goddesses as your guides, then make sure you don’t miss the announcement of the next round by signing up to my mailing list! You can do that by clicking here….

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