Goddess Guidance,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Reflection

A Wee Confession About My Word Of The Year

My Word of 2014 – IGNITE

My word for this year is IGNITE. And if I’m being completely honest with you, it scares me to death. Even now as I’m looking at it, I’m half-wishing that I’d chosen something different. Only half-wishing, though, because I know it’s the right word. I know that because I can feel my whole self rising up to meet it. But yes, it terrifies me.

To ignite means…

1.a. To cause to burn.
b. To set fire to.

2. To subject to great heat, especially to make luminous by heat.

3. To arouse the passions of; excite: The insults ignited my anger.

And when I read that, I began to wonder if I’ve set up my own trial by fire. I began to panic that I may have invoked an energy that will be too hot to handle.

But then my goddess of 2014 steps in. Brigid, Celtic goddess of the fiery arrow, whose sacred flame has been burning for centuries in her spiritual home of Kildare, Ireland. Brigid, also known as Bride in Scotland, who represents the strengthening sun that melts the ice and calls forth green shoots from slumbering seeds. Brigid who invites us to connect to the divine spark that exists within each of us – our vitality, our passion, our determination, our light, our heat.

With IGNITE as my touchstone, I am ready to act, I am ready to illuminate, I am ready to breathe across the embers of my soul and call forth the flickering flames of my desire, of my ambition, I am ready to build bonfires to my creativity, I am ready to tend to the hearth of my purpose, my passion. I am ready.

And so, I’ll fold my fear into the fabric of the coming days, weeks, months, because all fear comes bearing a gift. As I shared in an article a few years ago…

Our challenge lies not in overcoming our fear, but in learning to sit with it and accept its gifts with grace and with gratitude. [It] is not comfortable. It’s not cosy. It’s not there to make you feel warm and fuzzy. It’s there to focus your attention on those aspects of your self that you are being invited to reclaim. ~ Confronting the Diamond Demon – Or Why Your Fear Is A Gift

So, yes, my word of the year scares me; it calls forth feelings of fear. But that’s ok. Because in doing so, it’s bringing me a gift. A gift I am ready to receive.

If you are interested in finding out which goddess is stepping forward for you in 2014, and you would like a bit of guidance on choosing your word for the year, the 2014 My Word Goddess Readings are still available. However, they go off the market on Monday, so you’ll need to get your order in before then. Oh, and if you’ve already chosen your word for the year, many recipients have been finding that the goddess that steps forward compliments a prior choice – even if she doesn’t correlate directly, she will bring a fresh perspective to the word you have chosen for yourself. Order your My Word Goddess Reading here!


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