Goddess Guidance

Where The Sacred Meets The Virtual

I only have one rule in my Goddess Guidance group. The Temple Rule.

I call it The Temple Rule because my group is a place where the sacred meets the virtual, and just because when you enter into that space you don’t smell the incense, you don’t see the light streaming through stained glass windows, you don’t hear the collective hum of mumbled prayers leaving the lips of the devoted, it doesn’t mean that you won’t feel the sacred hush settle on your skin.

The Temple Rule is that you treat this space, the one we’re holding together, the one where we daily commune with the goddess, the one where we find solace and hope and comfort and inspiration, as you would treat a temple.

It is that simple. Each soul in that group is honoured, witnessed, held. Criticism, judgment and well-meaning advice-giving is discouraged, because compassionate acceptance of how another is choosing to show up, how you yourself are choosing to show up, is core to the intentions set when I first opened the doors in 2011. And that’s not changed.

We approach with reverence and respect for the circle and everyone in it.

Over the years, the group has changed in lots of ways. For instance, I share daily goddess group readings from Monday to Friday, and the form of these has changed much over the years. I used to write up the reading fresh every morning. But the readings I share now are readings which have been shared in the group in the past, because the goddess stepped forward and told me we needed to revisit them. She gave me an image of a spiral, circling deeper and deeper with every revolution – every time we revisit a vision, we get an opportunity to take it deeper. So now, every weekday, I share a goddess vision that I’ve received along with some guidance on how to interpret, and a few questions for every member to take forward into their day.

But the heart of the group has not changed. It remains a blessing to me and, I hope, to all who have chosen to spend time there. It may be the goddess that calls us into the space, into the circle, but it’s The Temple Rule that invites us to stay a while, to commune with the goddess, with each other, with ourselves. With reverence. With empathy. With love.

It is still FREE to join the group as a BASIC member, so if you want in, send me a message on FaceBook, and I’ll add you in. Also, if you want to work with me on a regular basis deepening your goddess connection, there are 3 upgraded membership options, which you can read all about here: https://amypalko.com/project/goddess-guidance/

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