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Sacred Chocolate Vision For the PMBC – Part 1

Yesterday, I entered into my sacred chocolate practice, lighting my candles and my incense, gathering my journal, pen and magpie feathers, concocting my special chocolate drink, and then moving through a number of ritual and embodiment exercises.

As part of that process, I made space to connect with the six goddesses that have stepped forward to work with the next round of the Practical Magic Business Circle. Through a powerful visualisation practice, I experienced a beautifully rich and complex vision, which I would like to share with you over the coming days, as a way of introducing each of the goddesses in turn.

Today, I’m sharing the opening, and tomorrow, I’ll introduce the first of the goddesses…

I find myself in a dark forest. It is nightime and the trees grow close here. I can just make out the shape of their dark branches against the night sky. I feel myself instantly orientated in this place, and I know my direction so clearly. I begin to move forward at a steady pace, but before long, I find myself running.

And then there is the moon….

Small in the sky to begin with, and then bigger and bigger, until I am running completely bathed in her light. I lose my footing, or the ground just disappears beneath my feet, and then I am tumbling headfirst into the moonlight. I have the feeling of passing through a portal – some kind of sacred boundary that separates ordinary life from sacred living.

Then, in an instant, everything changes, and I am dressed in a long dark hooded cloak and standing in a forest clearing. I realise then that I am surrounded by six other figures similarly dressed.

“Take your place, sister,” one speaks. I join the circle and we all sit. We hold hands, and I feel immense energy pass through our palms. I can see this energy as a bright golden circle of light that crackles and sparks with energy. The energy increases, and I look up into the trees that surround our circle, and see each tree contains one of the Practical Magic soul sister guides – Tanya Geisler & Lauren Bacon, Julie Daley, Lindsay McLeod, Randi Buckley, Kathleen Prophet and Lisa Lister. They are all smiling, and there’s a feeling of gleeful anticipation moving through us all.

The hooded figures and I then release each others’ hands, but the energy that has poured through us all continues to hum in the air, and the scent of magic hangs thickly all around….

In tomorrow’s post, I’ll be revealing the identity of the first goddess. I cannot wait for you to meet her. And, I have to tell you, I have been so awed by the collective potency of these six goddesses. Each one is a powerhouse, but together… well, let’s just say, this is shaping up to be quite the circle!

To claim your space in the circle, you can choose which package best meets your needs and purchase here: Practical Magic Business Circle. As always, any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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