Goddess Guidance,  Self-Discovery,  Self-Reflection

Meeting Maeve – A Guest Post from Kate Powe

This guest post by Kate Powe is part of a series celebrating the My Word Goddess Readings by honouring the gifts of the goddesses that stepped forward in 2014….

I came across the lovely Amy Palko and the My Word Goddess Readings several years ago.

From first contact, I found something magical about the concept of a guiding goddess light for an entire year–one that would help me through the challenges that would inevitably arise amidst sparkly new-year promises.

It was comforting to know that even though each year would indeed bring unique hiccups, I had a framework–a guiding energy to help me understand a deeper meaning to it all.

My first ever goddess many years ago was Abeona and she will forever be my master guide/goddess. The energy of that year and all she taught me was so divinely timed. I became deeply trusting of the intrinsic power of connecting to the energy of each year as previewed by my yearly goddess.

So excitedly I waited for my 2014 goddess to reveal herself as Maeve (which in itself was quite funny as for the month prior, I was toying with a project that I wanted to call Maven. Chuffed with my perfect word, I then began seeing it in various posts and groups all over FB–was horrified! But I loved the universal force field I had tapped into as my goddess name was revealed as my theme for the year.)

Maeve, I learnt, was an Irish Warrior Queen (hmmm first hint this wasn’t going to be a chilled out year).

Her key themes were around taking responsibility for my own life and claiming my own power (and with my surname of Powe, the irony wasn’t lost.)

Because quite frankly, I’m more of an introvert.

I may be determined in my own quiet way, but the firm belief that I possessed sovereign ownership over the direction of my life, my thoughts, my attitudes without being swayed by the wants, needs and opinions of those around me was a little on the shaky side.

And yet, these are precisely the skills I needed as 2014 marked the end of 3 longs years of study and the start of my own business in an entirely new field from my previous corporate days.

It’s been an experimental year and one I’ve probably been knocked down more times than I’ve liked (miffed, I’m a bit sick of muddied clothes).

But Maeve in not-so-subtle ways was quick to the rescue.

This was the year that I tried something, and when it didn’t work, I tried something else and when IT didn’t work, the self-reliant wisdom and knowledge of myself, my power, what I knew to be true and right for me saw me make lightening-fast decisions on when to cut and run instead of ‘hanging in there just in case’ or hanging in so as not to disappoint someone else.

But the best was left till last.

Of course I thought everything would be about work and my new business, but Maeve tapped me on the shoulder with another subject I wasn’t addressing. Relationships.

Being single for some time, I was embarrassed to admit a partner was an important part of what I wanted in life as though it was a trifling, silly or childish desire. But in truth, it’s about the most important goal I have.

So looking at the themes of self-responsibility, desire and owning my own truths about what was and is important to me, I realised I really had done nothing in the past truly make relationship-building a priority. Case in point: I’d just spent several intensely overwhelming years of my life with my head in textbooks and research papers trying to push through a 6 year qualification in just 3 years whilst working and caring for a parent. It was somewhat of a shock to uncover just how unaligned my thoughts and my behaviours had been for such an apparent top priority.

As the old and the new years merge, Maeve continues to both challenge and allow me the courage to look deep within for my values and power. She pushes me to see where exactly my actions and behaviours are misaligned with who I am and who I want to be.

And as she hands the reigns over to Oya (themes of speaking up and again, encouraging me to find my own true power), I know I’m in good hands to take on 2015 in wonderment and awe for another year of shifting, releasing and expansive awakening.

Kate Powe is a Sydney-based Naturopath with a passion for helping women to achieve empowered whole-body balance. She operates two busy naturopathic clinics and regularly blogs on health and wellness for online publications Violet Magazine and bodyburnonline.com, and print publication Yours Magazine. Kate has a passion and expertise in women’s hormonal health, mood management and integrating evidence-based medicine and functional pathology with mindbody wisdom in the creation of wholistic health.

You can find her at KatePowe.com, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Are you ready to meet your goddess of 2015? Do you long to know which goddess will be guiding you throughout the coming months? To find out, book your reading now – 2015 My Word Goddess Readings. Available for a limited time only.

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