Goddess Guidance

Want to know the truth about your goddess connection?



What would you say if I told you that the truth about your goddess connection is that it’s constant? That you didn’t need to do anything to be connected? That just by being alive in this moment, you are experiencing what it means to be connected?

When I start a Goddess Guidance session, one of the most common openers from my client is an apology for not having better connected with their goddess for the month or year. They’ve been really busy. They’ve had their hands full. Their plate is overflowing with all the demands of their family, their work, their home, their health. And truly, I have nothing but love and profound respect for them and the fullness of their lives. My clients frequently leave me awestruck by the way in which they meet their lives with such presence and compassion. They, like most women that I know, have made an art out of time-juggling.

And, of course, I am no stranger to overwhelm myself. Managing my business, my home, my family while maintaining a strong self-care practice, tending to an ardent desire to self-express through my writing and photography, and still leaving space to just be… not easy.

So, where on earth do we find the time to connect to our goddesses? Where do we find the time to practice?

Well, my love, the answer is really very simple.

You are always connected to the Goddess. You can’t not be. [if you’ll forgive the double negative.] You don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to add an extra item onto your already epic to do list. Because really all we’re talking about here is a shift in perspective. If you are already connected, then to feel connected, you simply have to see that you are. Let me explain.

I often use the metaphor of the ocean and the wave to describe our connection to source, the universe, the all-that-is, the Goddess….

Imagine that the ocean is the Goddess – vast, deep, mysterious, unknowable, completely beyond our capacity to see all, know all, experience all. And now, imagine that you are a wave, lifting yourself up from the ocean, differentiating yourself momentarily, white-crested, and completely unique in your shape, your size, your colour, your expression, your sound, your experience.

Is the wave ever disconnected from the ocean? An impossibility, no? The wave is as much a part of the ocean, as the ocean is the wave. The wave may briefly experience itself as separate, but the truth is that there is never separation. The wave is always a part of the ocean, as it is formed from the ocean – it is of the ocean. And as such, never separate.

Similarly, we are never separate from the Goddess. There is no way for us to be separate from her, for she is us, and we are her. And yes, we may experience ourselves as disconnected, as separate, but honestly, that’s all just a matter of our perspective. The goddess that steps forward for you in a My Word Goddess Reading acts as a guide in this regard – she’s directing your attention to particular points of focus.

For example, Oshun, our goddess of beauty, sensuality, ease, joy, flow, or Hecate, our goddess of the Underworld, of initiation, of intuition, of crossroads, or Corn Woman, our goddess of nourishment, of appetite, of discernment, of ripening… practice may draw your attention to the ways she is shimmying through your days, it may support you to shift from conditioned beliefs to ones of your own choosing, but even if you don’t do anything specific to experience your connection to her, to Oshun, to Hecate, to Corn Woman, you are still connected. She will still be sharing her gifts of beauty, of intuition, of fulfilment, with you. Practice just makes it easier to receive the gifts.

So, my lovely, you may be starting out on this journey through 2017 with your goddess and a whole handful of good intentions to craft and tend to a spiritual goddess practice. And there may be points in that journey when you feel life gets in the way. Time runs away from you. Your practice may drop off the end of an over-full to do list. You may begin to feel as though you are neglecting the practice you’d committed to in January. You may even begin to feel disconnected.

But remember… you are always connected to the Goddess. And she requires no apology. She is here to guide, support, nourish and call you back to the exquisite beauty of you in your unapologetic wholeness.

The truth about your goddess connection is that it is constant. That you don’t need to do anything. That just by being alive in this moment, you are experiencing what it means to be connected.

The truth about your goddess connection is that you are already connected. You always were, are and will be. Because you, my love, are the ocean and the wave…


To order your 2017 My Word Goddess Reading, just click the link below…

2017 My Word Goddess Reading


If you have any questions, please do just ask!

One Comment

  • Morrighan

    This was lovely to read, and quite possibly, timely. Due to a myriad of factors, I feel like I’ve lost faith/connection to divine source/Goddess. This has given me something more positive and grounding to reflect on. Thank you. (Yes, I’ve read this in 2018)

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