What’s Stirring My Soul…
This short film… Sigur Rós – Valtari from Sigur Rós Valtari Mystery Films on Vimeo. This book… Former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro was a stay-at-home mother. Founder and CEO of Oxygen Media Geraldine Laybourne was working at a public interest think tank for teachers. Political strategist Mary Matalin was a first-year law student—and about to drop out. And months prior to her thirtieth birthday, financial strategist and best-selling author Suze Orman was working as a waitress, making $400 a month. Decades later, these Boomer women and many others have reached the pinnacles of their professions. So why do Gen-X/Y women feel such pressure to have the perfect career, body,…
What Do Goddesses Have To Do With Business Anyway?
Everything! Well, I would say that, wouldn’t I? But genuinely, I believe that the goddesses can unlock a multitude of aspects concerning you and your business. Let me explain… The way I work with the goddesses is to first operate with the understanding that the individual goddesses are all expressions of some greater whole. This Great Goddess holds within her all paradox, all contradiction – there is nothing that she doesn’t contain and express. She is, quite literally, everything. But to engage with her in her fullness would be kind of like trying to take a bite out of a watermelon. Instead, we have portioned her out into a whole…
New York! New York!
So, at the start of the summer I got some exciting news. 3 of my selfies have been selected for a See.Me exhibition in New York called The Story of the Creative. Thrilled doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel knowing that my work is currently being shown as part of this event! The 3 works selected are these… The exhibition is being held at See | Exhibition Space, 26-19 Jackson AVE, Long Island City, NY 11101 until the 10th of September, so if you’re in NY or in the area, do let me know if you decide to go and check it out. Sadly, it’s a bit…
It’s OK Not To Want It All
It’s ok not to want it all. There’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t. When we marched for the vote, when we burned our bras, when we smashed those glass ceilings that promised ascension for some…. but not, it seemed, for you, when we created a plethora of opportunity for ourselves and our daughters, we were actually delivering the gift of choice. With every choice you make you are crafting your life. You are making a declaration of your existence, your difference, your presence here, right now. It’s ok not to want it all. There’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t. Because the choice to say no,…
Owning Every Step – A Journey Into Sovereignty
She caught my eye as the bus idled at the stoplight. It wasn’t her slightly outlandish clothes – one becomes anaesthetised to quirk in Edinburgh during August – it was the way each step she took seemed a weary yet inevitable risk that the ground wouldn’t rise up to meet her where she stood. Her pace was slow, her gait heavy and hesitant, the full sole of her foot connecting with the pavement simultaneously. No lightness, no bounce, no spring. Just the weighty awkward movement of a woman who appeared to no longer trust the earth beneath her feet. As I sat and watched her making her slow way past…