A Blogging Experiment
This blog is *vastly* under-used. And has been for a while now. So often I circle around the question of blogging, asking myself whether I want to blog, what would I blog about anyway, and what I should be blogging about. And then I don’t blog at all. It strikes me that I have yet to find a form of blogging that really appeals to me. If it feels like a chore, I’m just not going to want to do it. If it’s not delicious, it’s not sustainable. So, what does sustainable, delicious blogging look like for me? This is the real question… All this is to say that I’m…
I Lost My Cards
I usually don’t take my Goddess Oracle cards out of my apartment. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I took them out with me. But Tuesday, I popped them into a bag, met with a friend, gave a goddess reading, and by the time I got home, I discovered that I was sans cards. Emails to Lothian Buses lost property and phone calls to the cafe resulted in nothing, and the emotions began to sweep in. Guilt. Abandonment. Self-recrimination. Betrayal. Embarrassment. And then acceptance. Always last to the party, but all the more welcome for its tardiness. With acceptance, I realised that I hadn’t been abandoned by the…
My Word For 2013
It’s been some time since I last posted here. December was a whirlwind of Goddess Guidance readings as I connected even more women to the wonderful stories, energy and wisdom of the goddesses. Did you know that, over 2012, I shared over 2000 Goddess Guidance readings? I’ve heard the old adage that if you want to get good at something, do it often, and this is certainly something I’ve proved to myself over the last year! However, 2012 was also the year that I struggled most with my health. Which is perhaps unsurprising, as my goddess for the year was Hygeia, goddess of… you guessed it! Health. Hygeia raised for…
It’s My Birthday, So Let’s Party With The Goddesses!!
Oh my goddess, I cannot quite believe that I’m 34 – how did that happen!? In my head, I’m not a day over, say, 25. However, the date on my birth certificate (signed by Dr Love, no less – true story), confirms that today is indeed my 34th birthday. Therefore we simply must celebrate, darling!! My offline plans include chocolate, champagne and maybe a trip to Anthropologie with my birthday discount card. Online, I am celebrating with a Pay What You Can sale on both Virgins & Lovers and Mothers & Crones – both volumes of my Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Goddess. Yes, you read that right – for…
I’m Not Hiding Any More!
(Those of you reading this in your feedreader, may want to click through for this one!) Taadaa!! Well, what do you think of my new digs? Gorgeous, right? My beautiful friend and incredibly talented designer Tracey Selingo has worked with me on this redesign, creating something that I feel is more “me” than I’ve ever shared online. It is now easier to navigate, easier to see all my offerings, easier to connect – with this redesign I feel like I’m done with hiding. In previous designs I maintained an almost reluctant visual presence. Almost like I wanted to be there, but I was afraid of what you might all think…