
My Word For 2013

It’s been some time since I last posted here. December was a whirlwind of Goddess Guidance readings as I connected even more women to the wonderful stories, energy and wisdom of the goddesses. Did you know that, over 2012, I shared over 2000 Goddess Guidance readings? I’ve heard the old adage that if you want to get good at something, do it often, and this is certainly something I’ve proved to myself over the last year!

However, 2012 was also the year that I struggled most with my health. Which is perhaps unsurprising, as my goddess for the year was Hygeia, goddess of… you guessed it! Health. Hygeia raised for me, throughout the year, all the ways in which I wasn’t supporting my wellbeing, and I’m determined to take those lessons forward with me into 2013.

This year, my goddess is Nu Kua, the Chinese goddess of dragons who is thought to have created the first humans, and who repaired a huge rip in the sky, thus bringing order and divine structure. So, when I connect to the energy of Nu Kua, I can see beautifully organised supportive structures that allow me to step up and be seen, while organically growing my community.

The word that I’d been playing with throughout December, to be my touchstone for the new year, was PROFESSIONAL. You see, I’d read Steven Pressfield’s Turning Pro, and it had really resonated. My previous perception of PROFESSIONAL was cold, austere, officious, restrictive. But Turning Pro helped me to see that I could craft my own definition of PROFESSIONAL. I could ask myself the questions, what would a professional Amy do in this situation? What would she wear? What would she say? How would she choose to show up in her world? What would be important to her? How would she dissolve the resistance she encounters from day to day?

I could see that a professional Amy would need cosy slippers to keep her feet warm, because she works from home, and when she’s warm and comfortable, she works more effectively. I could see that a professional Amy really needed a beautiful red candle to light for when she was working on her Goddess Guidance readings, because it signalled to both her and the goddess that she was ready to listen and to share the guidance that was coming through. I could see that a professional Amy sleeps late in winter and rises earl(ier) in summer, because her sleep patterns respond to the seasons and respecting that leads to better quality rest.

I could see so many adjustments that I could make to my life which would support me to show up in a much fuller way not just for my work, but for my life.

So, it was with great resistance and stubbornness (on my part) when I realised that PROFESSIONAL was not my word of 2013. The word which kept coming up everywhere (literally everywhere!) was DEVOTION.

It was only when I started to consider DEVOTION as a deeper, more soul-driven derivation of PROFESSIONAL, that I finally found any peace in accepting that my 2013 word is DEVOTION.

After all, if I am devoted to my own wellbeing (including the temperature of my tootsies!) I will take the steps I need to ensure that I am well provided for, be that through the purchasing of slippers, the scheduling of my downtime, the restructuring of my business or the restructuring of my sleep. If I am devoted to my goddess guidance work, I will commit to creating the conditions whereby I can fully show up for the goddess whether that’s through the lighting of  candle, downloading a book on a specific goddess onto my kindle, or taking a trip to Rome or Norway (both on my wishlist for this year!). If I am devoted to my relationship with my beloved, I will take the time to truly connect with him through our regular date nights. If I am devoted to my children’s education, I will facilitate the desire-mapping of their individual curriculums. If I am devoted to anything at all, I will show up for it fully, completely and without excuses.

This is my definition of PROFESSIONAL – just taken to a whole other level – the level of DEVOTION.

What word did you ultimately choose? Did you first choose one, and then another? How is your word helping you to determine what you want to experience in 2013?


  • Paula

    Interestingly I did choose one and then another emerged . . . I chose Daring, and ended up with OPEN — and I see a similar correlation . . .

    So happy for you that your were able to make Professional Amy someone you love to be!
    XO ~P

  • GlendaM

    How wonderful Amy! I love the word devotion.

    I pick three words that are related to one another with one that guides them all: Strategy, Passion and Blissipline. With Blissipline being the core one. Strategy came from my Goddess for the year, Athena and is key to my actions for the year ahead – being strategic about what I choose to do and where to focus.

    I love the fact that you are using Desire Map with your kids! I am slowly making my way through it now.

  • Vixie Tonkin

    Lovely to hear how your word for the year has evolved, Amy. I’m still mulling mine over as I never feel the New Year has begun until mid-January so I make my plans and resolutions then. Having recently made some huge life-changes I too am discovering what it means to be professional without an office and a uniform. I’m gently replacing unemployed for self-employed, even if self-employed covers all the various activities I’m undertaking both to make a living and to share my passions with the world. Thanks for the inspiration. xxx

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