Goddess Guidance,  Self-Reflection

Something I’ve Discovered About Connecting With A Goddess For the Year

I connect every day with a whole number of goddesses. I connect with a daily goddess that I share in my group. I connect with a goddess to write a goddess profile blog post (like this one, this one and this one). I connect with goddesses for individual personal readings. I connect with goddesses in my client calls. And I connect with goddesses in my own personal practice.

I work with over 135 goddesses – 78 of which I work with more deeply than others.

But the practice of connecting with a yearly goddess… well, that seems to be a different kind of connection altogether…

Working with a goddess over a whole year requires us to take a longer view – it asks us to explore the narrative threads that weave throughout our hours, our days, our weeks and our months. Your goddess may come in with a bang. Or she may appear ever-so-slowly like mist gathering on the moors. You may feel an instant resonance. Or you may grow closer to one another over a period of months.

One thing I can all but guarantee is that you won’t be aware of her all the time. There will be whole weeks, and maybe even months, when you forget about her. And it’s only when something jogs your memory and you spend a moment or two in reflection that you can see how she’s been present all along, dancing through the events and circumstances that have shaped the quality of your lived experience.

I can also tell you that I’ve discovered that, for me, in the final days of my year, before another goddess steps in to take my hand, my goddess will step forward more tangibly than all of the rest of the months put together. Things that I had been struggling to understand, are suddenly achieved effortlessly. Everything I’ve been resisting sinks into a place of deep acceptance. Clarity reins.

To give you an example, my goddess for 2013 was Nu Kua. She is the Chinese goddess of dragons, and one of her narratives tells of how she repaired a rent in the sky and reset the points of the compass. So, I think of her as the goddess of reorientation who steps forward when we need to restore divine order from chaos.

Reflecting back on my year, I can see numerous ways in which she has been active. She’s helped me to get super-clear on what I wanted for myself and what I don’t. She’s helped me to see how I can best be of service. She’s helped me to orientate myself within the various contexts that structure my existence.

Decisions that I’ve made, lessons that I’ve learned, actions that I’ve taken, words that I’ve spoken… I can see that they hold the resonance of this goddess. But in the last couple of weeks, her presence has been undeniable.

She has helped me to reflect deeply on the last 12 months of my life and to make decisions for how I want to show up over the next 12. And this is in all areas. In my work, in my friendships, in my family, in my relationship, in my home, in my spiritual practice, in my ambition, in my desire, in my femininity.

For example, in my business, I’m recognising, perhaps for the first time, that I really want to drill down into my work with the goddesses and refine the focus of my business to delivering the words, the energy, the stories etc. of these incredibly powerful and relevant deities. I’m going to be retiring some offerings, and introducing new ones. I’m going to be adjusting my pricing structure. And I’m going to be investigating the possibility of bringing in some extra help so I can release my time and energy from certain aspects of running my business so that I can refocus on what I’m really good at.

And in another example, in my personal spiritual growth, I know in 2014 I’m going to be working with Julie Gibbons exploring mandalas, with Kathleen Prophet deepening my understanding of archetypal astrology, with Lindsay McLeod in my quest for for a more intimate relationship with embodiment, and Annu Tara on my sacred cacao adventure. My coming year holds a structure that both ensures a good foundation, but also provides the expansiveness, the fluidity that I crave.

In both of these examples, I can see that my dance with Nu Kua has brought me to this point where I can clearly create divine order for myself in such a way that it feels invitational and contained – two of the aspects that I need to feel a sense of flow.

I would absolutely love to hear about your experience of your year-long relationship with your goddess for 2013. How has she brought you clarity, inspiration, understanding? And do you feel her presence stronger in this, the final month? If you would prefer to email me to share, please feel free to do so!

And, if you didn’t purchase a reading for 2013, there is still time to find out which goddess is stepping forward for you in 2014! My Word Goddess Readings will be available until the 6th Jan, and then they’ll be off the market until Dec 2014.

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